Message from The Pastor
Howdy Folks,
Welcome! I want to take this time to thank you for visiting our Web sight. I consider it an honour that you would take the time to visit our Web sight and check us out.
Easton Baptist Church is a missions minded church. We count it a privilege and a high honour that missionaries would contact us, yet alone, would consider asking our church to partner with them in ministry. Missionaries are the pastor’s co-equal in the ministry and doing the same work for God as does the pastor just in a different area and field. Missionaries are not second class citizens as some pastor’s and churches treat them. We as God’s people need to open our wallets and give liberally unto God’s servants so they have our heart, can get to the field and have us pray for them. We strive to treat each missionary and their families with the utmost respect and care that the servants of God deserve. We have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that our support reaches each missionary monthly as they are counting on us to hold the ropes for them.
Easton Baptist Church is an amazing place where God comes and meets with us as we worship Him. We serve an amazing and awesome God. We are not a high-tech church that offers a lot of glamour and glitz and entertainment. If you are looking for a church that offers powerpoint presentations, music on the overhead, a rock music band for praise and worship, entertainment, and a sermon that makes you feel good that leaves you unchallenged and unchanged, then brand “X” is down the street. Easton Baptist Church is not that kind of a church.
Easton Baptist Church is an old fashion, King James Bible, Independent (dependent on God), Pretribulational, Premillenial, Christ centered, Hell fire and damnation preaching, Historical Baptist Church that believes God can still send a revival and revive America out of her wickedness. Our focus is on preaching the Word of God, being challenged from the Word of God to repent of our sin by putting off the old man and putting on the new man, and wanting God to change our lives to be drawn closer to Him. We are a church that asks God for the old paths wherein is the good way. We enjoy singing out of the Hymnal the old songs that lift up the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. Our only hope to bring America back to her Christian heritage and roots is through Jesus Christ, His Word and the restoration of the home.
Easton Baptist Church is a place where we try to build the family through the Word of God. We strive to serve the Lord by being servants one to another. We desire to see folks grow through our discipleship ministry every Sunday morning. We enjoy fellowshipping with each other and bragging on God and the blessings He has given us each week. Come Sunday and check us out. Easton Baptist Church is not for everyone, but it might be the place that God has for you. We are a friendly church with an outreach to the unreached. Smile God sure loves you!
A Servant of Jesus Christ
Pastor Ralph Cole Sr.
Isa 41:10